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Peach - Prunus Persica

The peach (Prunus persica) is a deciduous tree, originating in the Northwest China where it was first domesticated and cultivated. name persica refers to its cultivation in Persia (now modern-day Iran) from where it was first introduced to Europe.

Peaches generally need decent chilling hours, so those in cooler climates will be pleased to find that excellent peaches can be eked out of a hard old back paddock with a little feeding, and protection from animals and wind.

In the colonial days of New Zealand peaches were one of the first orchard trees in New Zealand. The old varieties like Black Boy and Golden Queen grow true to seed, and it was easy for local farmers to grow their stock. Peaches were grown throughout New Zealand to varying success, but they tended to thrive in climates where there was ample rain but dry, hot summers and very cold frosts in Winter, but not during spring bloom - such as Otago, much like the Peach's origins in Central Asia and Iran. Most varieties do require decent chilling hours, so if you are in a warmer area of New Zealand be careful when choosing your varieties. Peaches are self-fertile, and left alone will grow into a fairly large tree, up to 4m tall, but can be pruned smaller, prefering either a vase form or fan shape. They do need good shelter. 

Because some varieties are difficult to get hold of, both because of popularity and short supply, it is recommended to plan a year ahead and order the varieties you want. 

For warmer climates, Golden Grace is a winner, and for those who get autumn storms, the earlier fruiting Golden Haze is great. If your trees are prone to leaf curl, April-White is a great choice. Peach trees need heavy feeding, don't be stingy when it comes to adding manure and mulch. 

DId you know that China produces around 60% of the world total of peaches and nectarines.

Peach Varieties

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Fruit Type
Months Harvest
Good Keeper

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