Banana - Musa
Acuminata / Balbisiana / × Paradisiaca
Bananas must be the best known of all tropical fruits and are arguably one of the most healthy and versatile fruits. Originating in South-East Asia they have been grown in the Tropics since ancient times. They are incredibly ornamental with their large lush leaves. It is expected that one bunch of bananas is produced per plant.
Bananas need full sun and shelter from any cold and wind. Fruiting is governed by sunlight and warmth on the trunk. To encourage the warmth, pile compost around the trunk well up the stem but don't let it touch, as the heat could burn the plant.
Although they can be grown in sheltered sites by the coast, they are not very tolerant of saline conditions.
They require constant warm and hot conditions, as essentially all growth stops at 15°C and below. Pants can survive -2°C for short periods, but temperatures below -4°C may kill the underground rhizomes. Not too severe frosts will burn the leaves and the banana will grow back. Bananas need even and regular moisture especially during hot periods where the large leaves will transpire heavily, but will not do well in water-logged conditions. They will thrive in slightly acid soil. Once the tree has produced, it is no good - so mulch up the old leaves and trunk, add it to the compost heap around the tree - hopefully it will have given you some pups (sucker growth) for your next banana tree.
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Variety | Fruit Type | Months Harvest | Self-Fertile | Climate | Good Keeper | Preserving | Availability |