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Freyberg is a heritage all-purpose apple, that is sweet and refreshing. A small golden-greeen apple, it's flesh is white and crisp, with an aromatic flavour.
Freyberg takes it's name from Lord Bernard Freyberg, the Governor-General of New Zealand from 1946 to 1952, and is often mispelled as Freyburg. was developed by New Zealander J.H Kidd in the 1930s and 1940s, in the hope of combining the best of Cox's Orange Pippin and Golden Delicious, with Golden Delicious which is most noticeable in 'its genetics in the offspring. (Note: It's sibling Rubinette has Cox's Orange Pippin as the dominant part of the combination). From it's Golden Delicious parent it received good storage qualities.
You would have thought that with two such excellent parents, Freyberg could not fail to be an excellent apple, but although it's fine, it's not great. J.H. Kidd was also the creator of two other famous varieties: Kidd's Orange Red and Gala, both considered superior to Freyberg.
Gala is in fact a cross between Kidd's Orange Red and Golden Delicious. A comparison of Gala and Freyberg is therefore a way of looking at the effect of the richness of a Cox, applied in varying degrees on the easy-going sweet flavour of Golden Delicious.
Freyberg is not commonly available, so you will have to grow your own. It is a reliable tree and fairly easy to grow.